NBCC Authorized CEs for Mental Health (Counselor, Social Worker, MFT)
- Human Super Power [TM] of Attachment
- Ethical Mandate for Self-Care for Clinical Providers 5 NBCC Ethics CEs
- Neurobiology of Love, Heart-Centeredness, HRV
- Fluid Trauma [TM] for Clinical Provider
Who Can Use Orchard’s CEs for License Renewal?
Each licensed mental health professional must check with their state to see if our NBCC Continuing Education Training Courses will qualify for licensure renewal. Special rules apply in some states and for some licenses. Following is a list of states that have indicated that they will recognize these trainings, but as always, the trainee is responsible for insuring the trainings will count for license renewal before registration:
- Alabama
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Georgia
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- South Carolina
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wyoming
Additional Services & Support for Mental Health Professionals [No NBCC CEs]
Events for Public, Parents, Educators, Early Childhood Professionals [No NBCC CEs]
True Black Feminine: 13 Revolutional Acts with Coach Adria Kitchens [No NBCC CEs]
Anti-Aging Is Actually Optimal Health [No NBCC CEs]
Orchard’s Training & Professional Development Credentials
Orchard Human Services, Inc. has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7260. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Orchard Human Services, Inc. is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Want to register for a continuing education course? Visit our Stan.Store/DrDarleen now! Earn NBCC CEs
Register Here for Fluid Trauma [TM] for Clinical Providers Offers 6 NBCC CEs
Register Here for Ethical Mandate for Self-Care in Clinical Practice Offers 6 NBCC CEs
Register Here for Human Super Power [TM] of Attachment Offers 6 NBCC CEs
Register Here for Neurobiology of Love, Heart-Centeredness & HRV Offers 6 NBCC CEs