Orchard loves children … and we especially love to provide services and support to children and youth who are dealing with the challenges associated with Attachment Disorder (including RAD and DSED), Autism Spectrum Disorder, and neuroatpicality. Download a free PDF that explains Orchard’s Attachment Disorder, RAD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder services.
Our services platform is like no other, with an extensive menu of services and supports that target the developmental, behavioral, learning, and mental health needs of the child and the family. We especially focus on serving children with an Attachment-oriented and Autism-related diagnosis, and some children are both. Services target such disorders as RAD, DSED, ASD, Sensory Processing Disorder, and overall mental health and development of the child.
Raising children with Reactive Attachment Disorder RAD or other disorders of Attachment is challenging at best. Children who are neuro-atypical, or who are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder including Asperger’s, deal with serious challenges in every life.
Learn more about Orchard’s intensive platform for serving these fragile and precious children and youth by downloading our service guide for Attachment and Autism by clicking here.
Discover how Orchard works with the entire family as a way to promote learning, growth, and development of the child … and how we create powerful community teams to carry your family in the direction of positive change and growth.
Founded by Dr. Darleen Claire Wodzenski, an author and national presenter whose professional roles include Clinical Mental Health Counselor [GA LPC and National NCC], Special Education Consultant, and Child Developmental Interventionist, Orchard Human Services, Inc. seeks to
Uplift lives by counseling, educating and caring.
Download Attachment and Autism Services Guide Here
Explore our extensive menu of training on brain-based, attachment supportive, and autism and child development-targeted training and professional development for mental health, education, administration, human services professionals and for the parents and caregivers of children with these diagnoses. Visit our training pages …