Dr. Darleen Claire Wodzenski

Meet Orchard’s Founder …

Darleen Claire Wodzenski, MS ESE, MA CMHC, QPPE, PhD, LPC, NCC, ACS

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Dr. Darleen’s Brief Bio

Dr Darleen & Bongo
Bongo the Fluffy Yellow Puppet and his friend, Dr. Darleen Claire Wodzenski of Orchard Human Services, Inc.

Dr. Darleen Claire Wodzenski is an Author, Speaker, Trainer, and Interventionist with Orchard Human Services, Inc. and an approved trainer for Early Childhood Educators and Professionals through Georgia Bright from the Start and DCAL. She presents for many state and national organizations including the GAEYC Conference [Georgia chapter of NAEYC], the CEC [Council for Exceptional Children], and the National Youth at Risk Conference.

Dr. Darleen provides direct services to individuals and families [clinical mental health counseling, special education advocacy and consulting, parent training, psycho-educational intervention, child development intervention] and professional training, development and consultative services in the areas of Child Development, Exceptional Student Education, Early Childhood Care and Education, Juvenile Justice, Co-Occurring Conditions of Youth, and Trauma-Informed Client Engagement.

Author of “Dead Children Can’t Read – Classrooms of Compassion” and “Marmalade Jam,” her specializations include a complex Psychoneuroeducational approach to learning, developmental, emotional, and behavioral challenges as well as Fluid Trauma model and Socioemotional Intervention program for treatment and intervention for children and families affected by Trauma, Disorders of Attachment [RAD or Reactive Attachment Disorder and DSED or Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder] and Autism Spectrum Disorders or neuro-atypicality [ASD].

Dr. Darleen is a nationally board certified Licensed Professional Counselor and a Certificate-Eligible Special and General Educator in Georgia. She holds a PhD in Psychology with a focus on Psychoneuroeducational Strategies to address Complex and Co-Occurring Disorders of Learning, Development, Neurodevelopment, Behavior, Mental Health, and Attachment. She holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a Master’s degree in Exceptional Student Education. Dr. Darleen also holds the ACS credential, allowing her to provide supervision to counselors practicing under supervision while working toward full licensure.

Dr. Darleen is an Adjunct Faculty member at Nova Southeastern University’s Fischler School of Education and Criminal Justice where she teaches courses in their Master of Science program in Developmental Disabilities. She is also a Certified Parent Educator and also provides continuing education and professional training and development for Educators, Mental Health Professionals, and Human Services and Juvenile Justice Professionals. She also trains parents of children in Child Protective Services or who are adopted or in foster placement in the areas of Attachment Disorder, Brain-Based Trauma Responsiveness, Special Education Advocacy, and Effective Parenting Strategies.

From the picture above with Bongo the Fluffy Yellow Puppet, you see that Dr. Darleen loves to promote play and joy as part of her very serious practice of helping children and adults work through trauma, stress, distress, and suffering. She often incorporates the puppets into sessions with younger children, and has other uplifting and whimsical strategies for working with teens and adults.

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