Orchard Human Services, Inc. has begun a special new program for counseling professionals in Georgia who must practice under supervision while working toward full licensure. Orchard’s CUSP or Counselor Under Supervision Program offers high quality training and supervision to help mental health professionals quickly add knowledge, skill, insight, and therapeutic insight to their tool bag.
In addition to an active and thriving Practicum and Supervision Program for graduate students in mental health preparation programs, Orchard now offers supervision for graduates of masters and doctoral programs of mental health counseling and therapy. Orchard’s CUSP director is a Nationally Board Certified NCC under NBCC as well as ACS [Approved Counseling Supervisor] under CCE.
CUSP is a competitive program for emerging mental health professionals who want to learn high quality, ethical, and effective treatment practices as well as learn about practical and ethical administration and business management. Mental health professionals may apply for the CUSP program by submitting a Curriculum Vitae or Resume’ with school transcripts, a copy of license and malpractice insurance, and a one page essay about why Orchard is a good choice for the candidate’s supervision. Documents can be forwarded to forms@orchardhumanservices.org or candidates can call the office at (770) 686-0894.
Orchard Human Services, Inc. works with a diverse population including infants and young children; youth, teens, and young adults; and adults, couples and families. Orchard serves populations dealing with trauma, abuse, and neglect; involvement with child protective services (DFCS), adoption, and foster care; anxiety, depression; PTSD, Dissociation; Autism, Attentional Problems, and Neuroatypicality; and Attachment Disorder including RAD and DSED.
CUSP supervisees will learn best practices for practice management and administration including: Notes documentation, diagnosing, assessment, collaboration, referrals, billing and insurance, and treatment planning.