Welcome to this special page on Orchard’s website about
Hiring Individuals from Special Populations
Following please find resources pertaining to this topic including a powerpoint presentation in PDF and PPT formats about:
Seven Success Strategies for Hiring Individuals With Disabilities
Powerpoint – Seven Success Strategies for Hiring Individuals with Disabilities
PDF – Seven Success Strategies for Hiring Individuals with Disabilities
The following link is for a power packed Resources Sheet with direct actionable links to all the agencies, resources, and information you will need to equip your organization to hire individuals from special populations:
Hiring Individuals From Special Populations – Resource Sheet
Following is an article that discusses issues related to supporting employees with depression, which can apply to individuals from all populations and walks of life:
Managing Depressed Employees – Credit to author – see document
If you need any further technical assistance or would like to invite Dr. Darleen Claire Wodzenski to present this valuable information to your organization or business leadership team, please go to the contact page.
Darleen Claire Wodzenski, MS ESE, MA CMHC, PhD Psychology is a clinical mental health counselor, special education consultant, and non-clinical psychoneuroeducational psychologist who specializes in working with fragile populations including individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, who are neuroatypical, and who have Developmental Disorder of Attachment [Reactive Attachment Disorder, RAD, Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder, DSED]. She can be reached at 770-686-0894 or by email at D@OrchardHumanServices.org