Orchard Human Services

Darleen Claire Wodzenski, MA ESE, MA CMHC, QPPE, PhD, LPC, NCC
Founder & Director of Program Development & Training

Dr. Darleen Claire Wodzenski is an Author, Speaker, and Interventionist with Orchard Human Services, Inc. and adjunct faculty member with Nova Southeastern University.
She provides direct services to individuals and families [clinical mental health counseling, special ed advocacy and consulting, parent training, psycho-educational intervention, child development intervention] and professional training, development and consultative services in the areas of Child Development, Exceptional Student Education, Juvenile Justice, Co-Occurring Conditions of Youth, and Trauma-Informed Client Engagement.
Author of “Dead Children Can’t Read” and “Marmalade Jam” her specializations include a complex Psychoneuroeducational approach to learning, developmental, emotional, and behavioral challenges as well as treatment and intervention for children and families affected by Disorders of Attachment [RAD or Reactive Attachment Disorder and DSED or Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder] and Autism Spectrum Disorders [ASD].
Dr. Darleen holds a PhD in Non-Clinical Psychology with a focus on Psychoneuroeducational Strategies to address Complex and Co-Occurring Disorders of Learning, Development, Neurodevelopment, Behavior, Mental Health, and Attachment. She holds a Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a Masters degree in Exceptional Student Education.
See the Orchard’s Holistic Model page to learn more about this exciting new approach to whole person wellness.

Rashona Clay-Douthit, LCSW – Director of Internship at Orchard
Rashonda Clay-Douthit, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), is Orchard’s Director of Internship. An experienced mental health professionals with 25 years of experience working with a wide range of concerns including relationship issues, parenting concerns, stress management, depression, anxiety and life transitions, Rashonda also served as Associate Director of Field Education at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. Rashonda earned a B.S. in Psychology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Maryland at Baltimore.

Special Adviser for Child & Youth Issues*
*Including Juvenile Justice Involvement, DMC [Disproportionate Minority Contact], and Developmental Responsiveness
Dr. Thomas is an educational and child development specialist who supports Orchard’s
clients in the areas of specialized learning and developmental strategies.
A former Associate Professor of Education and currently teaches graduate Juvenile Justice
courses for Nova Southeastern University. She has extensive background in direct services to youth
Kathy A. Thomas, MS Education, MA Criminal Justice, EdD Child & Youth Studies
with developmental disorders and within the Juvenile Justice system as well as hands-on experience
developing programs to support youth-at-risk.
Her specialization is in the area of Therapeutic Educational Strategies to help students who are
experiencing some kind of learning problem by searching for a root solution (based upon a careful
analysis of the student’s learning, cognitive, executive function, and memory capacities and strategies).
Click here to learn more about Dr. Thomas and Educational Therapy
Dr. Steve J. Wodzenski, BA Div, BA, DC is a holistic healthcare practitioner
with a long history of philanthropic service including board membership for a transitional
housing program for men who are reentering society after incarceration.
He is also committed to supporting service members and veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
He provides technical support to the Orchard in the following critical areas:
Prison Reentry
Addiction Supportive Services
Wellness Care
Orchard’s Executive Director
Denice Maulucci

Denice Maulucci is Orchard’s caring and compassionate Executive Director.
She is devoted to serving children and fragile populations to promote healing, developing, and life satisfaction.
Her philanthropic activities focus on:
Children with Special Needs
Active Service Members
With a strong background in promoting healthy programming and services for the elderly,
Ms. Maulucci brings her determination, focus, and passion to serving Orchard’s populations.
Orchard’s Board of Directors
Adria Kitchens serves as Chairman of the Board for Orchard Human Services, Inc. and is the Executive Director for One Small Change, Inc. She brings a wealth of knowledge about nonprofit administration as well as a broad background in philanthropy and human services.
Click here to learn more about Adria Kitchens professional life and her significant contributions to Orchard and the community.

Charlene C. Shockley is a Real Estate Professional and Business Consultant who serves on Orchard’s Board of Directors. She can be reached through her website at CharleneShockley.com.

Darron Kendrick, JSM, CPA is a tax and and accounting professional who specializes in serving the nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. A university instructor and business consultant, Mr. Kendrick is completing his doctorate degree in tax law and serves on Orchard’s board of directors. He can be reached at his business website Kendrick Business Solutions, LLC

Cheryl Safford is the founder and director of Kinder Kollege Christian School of College Park, GA. Ms. Safford is a member of Orchard’s Board of Directors and a powerful community collaborator, working with Orchard to provide high quality services to children with developmental, learning, and behavioral challenges. She can be reached at Kinder Kollege at 2725 Charlestown Drive in College Park, GA 30337.

Barbara Johnston is a business and accounting professional who owns and operates Nuanz Coffee Roasters and Tea Merchants with her husband Gil Johnston, pictured above. Ms. Johnston serves on Orchard’s Board of Directors, serving in the capacity of Secretary.

Mr. Bobby Terrell of Cherokee Properties is a real estate broker and developer who serves on Orchard’s Board of Directors.

Mr. Tony M. Pinto is a proud disabled veteran and CEO of S.T.A.T.O.S. Sales Solutions. Mr. Pinto serves on Orchard’s Board of Directors.