Here at the Orchard, we are excited about our educational and therapeutic books, trainings, and presentations that support helping professionals, parents, children, and those working with youth-at-risk.
Visit our “Trainings” page for a list of current presentations and trainings, some of which are approved for professional continuing education credits through your local school district or state agency.
We are constantly in development, creating exciting new book, training, and presentation titles! Visit our “Books” page for a list of available titles … or scroll down for a quick peek of what’s available … and what is coming soon.
Available now through and here at
Dead Children Can’t Read – Classrooms of Compassion
Consider what happens to children with emotional, mental health, and behavioral problems who are pushed to achieve academically when they are too fragile … leading to bullying, aggression, self-harming, risky behaviors, and school violence. Explore a new paradigm in education that places the developmental needs of the child in the forefront.
Marmalade Jam – a therapeutic title for children of abuse, neglect, trauma, and possibly food insecurity
Raising Social Children – A guide for parents who wonder how to tell if their child is developmentally on track with social skills …. or for parents who are aware that their child is not developmentally on track with social abilities. Learn how to promote social development for children of ALL developmental levels … and learn how to secure support and services to help with identification and intervention in the event your child does require supportive services.
Self-Harm: Guide for Youth, Families, Educators, Human Services Workers – What do you do if you suspect your child is engaging in self-harming behaviors such as self-mutilation or binging and purging. Learn about what self-harming is, why some youth choose these behaviors, and rational ways to respond. Youth who engage in self-harming may use this guide as a way to tell parents, teachers, and other adults about it … and reach out for help.
Coming Soon …
Developmental Justice – looking at Juvenile Justice programs from a developmental viewpoint